Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition


Data-driven journalism: The process to transform raw data into stories

Tow Center for Digital Journalism released an extensive report “The Art and Science of Data-Driven Journalism“ …

//June 9 / 2014 //read more

INMA European News Media Conference in Berlin

Over the past week, MDIF and its European clients attended the International News Media Marketing Association’s (INMA) annual European …

//October 30 / 2013 //read more

Newspapers need to invest in data analysis

More and more publishers move from a “tracking” mentality that simply states what audience does to concentrate on what any such insight would imply for journalism and business of journalism. Newsrooms need to adopt the kind of…

//October 19 / 2013 //read more

How to harness audience data to drive better editorial and business performance

Using data has been one of the hottest editorial topics in journalism, but it is increasingly also becoming one of the hottest topics in the business of journalism. Forward-looking news organisations are using increasingly sophisticated…

//November 23 / 2012 //read more

Mapping data from a Google form audience survey

We recently showed how to gather information from your audience using a Google form. Now we’ll show you how you can use the information to quickly and easily create a map showing the responses.

//October 9 / 2012 //read more

Mobile phone association launches global data portal

We often talk about the mobile revolution here on Knowledge Bridge. But just how big of an opportunity does mobile present in your country? Now you have a service to help answer that question with a new free data portal created by the GSM…

//June 15 / 2012 //read more