Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition


Digital Briefing Live: Malaysiakini’s Chia Ting Ting on building a premium ad business

Digital news organisations are finding it much easier to attract an audience than they are to make money from that audience. To find out how to monetise digital audiences, in this edition of Digital Briefing Live, we speak to Chia Ting…

//August 1 / 2013 //read more

Schibsted finds ad success through data-driven targeting

Digital advertising revenue has risen globally by 55 percent in the last five years, but much of that increase has gone to search engines and social networks. To compete for this rising pool of revenue, news organisations need to provide…

//September 28 / 2012 //read more

Biggest challenge for digital media? Monetising the masses

The Media Briefing has an interesting interview with Raju Narisetti, managing editor for the Wall Street Journal Digital Network. He shares some insights into what strategies work and – just as importantly – what he believes don’t work for…

//July 13 / 2012 //read more

Social media’s challenges in India: Monetizing its mobile users

Emerging markets have been the engines of growth for major social networks such as Twitter and Facebook, with India being one of the biggest success stories. Much of this growth has come from mobile users in India, and Facebook is…

//July 9 / 2012 //read more

Online Advertising: What hasn’t changed

After spending 8 years out of the business, digital entrepreneur Rags Gupta highlights some of the things that haven’t changed now that he’s back with a new media publishing start-up. Things like the resilience of banner ads, the…

//June 20 / 2012 //read more