Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition


Why crowd-funding can keep journalism true to its promise

One of the earliest experiments of crowd-funding was the Korean citizen journalism site Oh My News, created in 2000. They asked people to “tip” authors of stories they liked the best and in this way they paid their most popular…

//June 16 / 2016 //read more

Malaysian media merger highlights key shift in digital transition

Malaysian media powerhouse Catcha Media didn’t leave anyone guessing why it was merging two of its businesses with social news aggregator The groups believe that the combination will allow them to dominate the Malaysian digital…

//May 16 / 2013 //read more

How to create an audience survey using a Google form

Digital journalism has opened up new opportunities to gather information from your audience. It can add to your journalism and develop a closer, more loyal relationship with your audience. In the first of a series, we’ll look at how you…

//October 3 / 2012 //read more

Real-time analytics can help you use scarce editorial resources more effectively

Although analytics tools have always provided newsrooms with a good way to evaluate their stories, real-time analytics tools are helping editors make more informed decisions about how they position stories based on how their audiences are…

//August 17 / 2012 //read more

Maintaining accuracy when crowdsourcing data

Crowdsourcing can be a powerful way to tap into the expertise and experiences of your audience, but when you’re trying to gather reports in conflict zones, journalists and editors need to be aware of security issues as well as the normal…

//July 24 / 2012 //read more