Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition
The Media Briefing has an interesting interview with Raju Narisetti, managing editor for the Wall Street Journal Digital Network. He shares some insights into what strategies work and – just as importantly – what he believes don’t work for…
//July 13 / 2012 //read moreThe Guardian is well known for its efforts to tap into the knowledge and experience of its audiences, opening up even its daily newslists to the public. It’s now tweaking its public engagement efforts after finding that more focused…
//July 10 / 2012 //read moreResearch has found that Facebook and Twitter are the most-quoted sources of news in South Africa. With this trend driven by the growth of smartphone use, journalists need to understand how to use social media to maximise their audience.
//July 6 / 2012 //read moreLatin Americans continue to flock to social networking sites, and are now spending a quarter of their online-time using them, especially Facebook. It can be seen as a threat to news organisations in the battle for attention, but there are…
//July 2 / 2012 //read moreThe second largest social network in Russia,’s Odnoklassniki, is set to launch an English language version to support its international growth. The announcement comes as the social network touts its strength in reaching the Russian…
//June 20 / 2012 //read moreFacebook has increased its dominance over the last three years, according to social networking researcher Vincenzo Cosenza. However, niche social networks focused on professionals and dating often come in second and third in Cosenza’s…
//June 11 / 2012 //read moreFacebook has added a new feature that will help you manage your Page more effectively by creating a range of roles, allowing you to specify levels of access to those who create content for the page, moderate comments or even advertise on…
//June 4 / 2012 //read moreResearch by JP Morgan Cazeneuve predicts explosive growth in the Russian online advertising market, but search engines and social media sites could be the big winners. Is your news organisation ready to take advantage for the growth in…
//May 15 / 2012 //read moreThe explosion of social media has opened up new channels for news businesses to talk to their readers, listeners and viewers. Outlets like Ujyaalo 90 Network in Nepal have built a huge Facebook following to drive traffic to their sites.
//May 14 / 2012 //read moreThe seminar focused on trends and techniques available to traditional local newspaper publishers and local TV broadcasters in Russia and Ukraine to grow their online business, both the size of their audience and the opportunity for…
//March 20 / 2012 //read more