Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition

//Peter Whitehead /August 2 / 2013

Knowledge Bridge is changing focus

In January 2012, Media Development Investment Fund launched Knowledge Bridge. The project had two pillars: to provide digital consulting and training for the news businesses we work with, and to build a website to provide news outlets in emerging democracies with the information they need to develop a digital news business.

We recently carried out a review of the project and have decided to prioritise the digital consultancy and training pillar of the Knowledge Bridge even more than we have done so far. We will refocus the website to more closely support the consulting process, which will become the main driver of its content.

This means that the website will change from being a journalistic blog into an accessible repository of practical information on developing a digital news business, including training and seminar materials, how-to guides, specially commissioned research and occasional thought-pieces. Clients and the public will be able to access materials that are proven to be effective in helping businesses adapt to the new digital environment. It will also allow us to divert more resources to training and consulting. At the end of July, the site will go into hiatus until September while some changes are made to prepare the site for its new role.

We’d like to thank all contributors to the Knowledge Bridge for sharing their insights and expertise. We’ll be back in September with new, practical content to support independent news organisations as they transition to a digital future.

Article by Peter Whitehead

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