Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition

Designing websites for mobile devices: Responsive design or mobile-specific?

An increasingly popular way for media businesses to provide news that is easily consumed on different mobile devices is responsive design – creating one website that automatically adjusts itself based on the device. We look at some key…

//September 20 / 2012 //read more

How to use a Twitter account to connect with audiences and cultivate contributors

The 140 characters of Twitter updates can feel limiting to people who aren’t headline writers, but journalists and non-journalists around the world are using the service to provide a stream of news and information to hundreds of thousands…

//September 4 / 2012 //read more

What social media success looks like and how to achieve it

With social networks and social media attracting hundreds of millions of users, news organisations have worked hard to develop social media strategies. One of the biggest questions amongst editors and media executives has been whether the…

//August 15 / 2012 //read more

Advertising lessons from Facebook: Sell relationships not impressions

As businesses start to realise that social media can give them a new opportunity to create relationships with consumers before they even become customers, news media must begin to look at their relationships with their own audiences. News…

//July 4 / 2012 //read more

Latin Americans spend 25 percent of internet-time on Facebook

Latin Americans continue to flock to social networking sites, and are now spending a quarter of their online-time using them, especially Facebook. It can be seen as a threat to news organisations in the battle for attention, but there are…

//July 2 / 2012 //read more

Setting your digital priorities with a product mindset

One of the challenges you will face as you make the transition to digital will be setting priorities. One of the best ways to tackle this issue is by developing a product mindset, a process of identifying what your audience wants and…

//June 26 / 2012 //read more

Product mindset: Content, advertising and services products

Creating attractive products is obviously key to any digital product strategy. As we continue our Digital Briefing series on developing a product mindset, we look at examples of different products that news organisations have developed.…

//June 26 / 2012 //read more

Growing smartphone use opens opportunities for Indonesian advertisers

Sales of smartphones are growing rapidly in Indonesia, which is presenting new opportunities for mobile advertising. Mobile advertising impressions grew 99% in the last year alone, according InMobile. News organisations should monitor this…

//June 26 / 2012 //read more

Study: Sub-Saharan mobile internet use more practical than playful

It’s not news that mobile use has grown dramatically in Africa, but a new report by consultancy TNS looks at how sub-Saharan Africans use their mobile phones. It’s more about work than play. The report warns of using mobile business models…

//June 19 / 2012 //read more

Mobile phone association launches global data portal

We often talk about the mobile revolution here on Knowledge Bridge. But just how big of an opportunity does mobile present in your country? Now you have a service to help answer that question with a new free data portal created by the GSM…

//June 15 / 2012 //read more