Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition

Yandex Metrica or Google Analytics? The value of using both

Different web analytics tools can give you very different answers to how visitors are using your website. Using more than one – and understanding the difference between how they work – will give you a better insight into how your audience…

//November 26 / 2012 //read more

How to harness audience data to drive better editorial and business performance

Using data has been one of the hottest editorial topics in journalism, but it is increasingly also becoming one of the hottest topics in the business of journalism. Forward-looking news organisations are using increasingly sophisticated…

//November 23 / 2012 //read more

Google Analytics 102 – Advanced reports, AdSense and AdWords

Looking to start getting more advanced with how you use Google Analytics? This resource will teach you how to make more advanced reports, as well as how to link AdSense and AdWords to your account. It is followed by exercises to help…

//November 23 / 2012 //read more

Google Analytics 101 – The what and how

Google Analytics is one of the most commonly used free web analytics tools and can help you optimise your content and advertising. Get a basic understanding of how Google Analytics works, how to set it up on your website and share it with…

//November 23 / 2012 //read more

Digital Briefing Live: Sam Greene on the RuNet’s impact on journalism

In our second edition of Digital Briefing Live, we talk to Sam Greene at the New Economic School in Moscow about the changes that rapid internet growth is bringing to Russian society, politics and media. For news organisations, he said…

//November 2 / 2012 //read more

Mapping data from a Google form audience survey

We recently showed how to gather information from your audience using a Google form. Now we’ll show you how you can use the information to quickly and easily create a map showing the responses.

//October 9 / 2012 //read more

Real-time analytics can help you use scarce editorial resources more effectively

Although analytics tools have always provided newsrooms with a good way to evaluate their stories, real-time analytics tools are helping editors make more informed decisions about how they position stories based on how their audiences are…

//August 17 / 2012 //read more