Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition

Visual Journalism

As the Big Data Era Arrives, It Pays To Remember What Data Journalism Is

Data and journalism are natural bedfellows: without information we’d be lost. But has this creation of a sub-discipline that calls itself ‘data journalism’ helped or hindered the profession’s embrace of the digital era? In researching data…

//October 15 / 2018 //read more

Guide #3: Best Practices for Data Journalism

To be clear, data journalism does not replace traditional journalism, but rather complements and enhances what journalists have been doing for centuries. How to use this guide if you are a newsroom manager, editor or journalist? Is it fine…

//March 16 / 2018 //read more

Using photo data to verify images on Flickr and Google+

Camera phones and social networks have created an almost unimaginable amount of user-generated content, and in our second in a series looking at how to take advantage of user-generated content, we look at techniques to verify photographs…

//April 5 / 2013 //read more

Using photo-sharing site Flickr to source UGC images

In the first of several guides to user-generated content, we’ll look at Flickr, an early photo sharing site now owned by Yahoo. It has a number of features that make it useful for finding photos that you can use to illustrate your stories.

//March 29 / 2013 //read more

Visual journalism is ‘not just for the big boys’

Major news organisations like The Guardian, The New York Times and The BBC are breaking new ground with data-driven visual journalism, but digital editor Paul Rowland, who works at a regional news group in Wales, has shown that these…

//December 14 / 2012 //read more

Apps that create fact-checkers and data experts out of your audience

At a recent MIT-Knight Centre conference, several innovative apps, and future apps, were brought up that ease the work of using data for journalists and bring data journalism and fact-checking directly into the hands of the audience. We…

//July 12 / 2012 //read more