Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition


Lessons on sustainability from global study of news start-ups

A look at 69 journalism start-ups in 10 countries found numerous models for building sustainable digital journalism companies. However, they look little like the media companies of old, but how these start-ups mix revenue streams to reach…

//January 25 / 2013 //read more

Lessons that cut through the hyperlocal hype

Hyperlocal sites are often billed as the next big thing in digital news, but have so far failed to deliver in terms of business performance. It might be possible to create niche local content but where are the advertisers? Hyperlocal…

//January 22 / 2013 //read more

Visual journalism is ‘not just for the big boys’

Major news organisations like The Guardian, The New York Times and The BBC are breaking new ground with data-driven visual journalism, but digital editor Paul Rowland, who works at a regional news group in Wales, has shown that these…

//December 14 / 2012 //read more

Don’t let local journalism revenue opportunities slip away

With the disruption in the news industry in the West, one technology and journalism entrepreneur worries about the future of local news and information. His biggest concern is that local news businesses are still letting digital start-ups…

//June 28 / 2012 //read more

Hyperlocal, smart targeted mobile ads may earn even higher revenues

While the internet is increasingly being accessed through mobile devices, we are starting to see proof from Facebook that mobile ads can be even more lucrative than desktop ads – when done correctly. Apple also joins the game by…

//June 27 / 2012 //read more

Dutch local news project finds clues to sustainability

Many local digital news projects have been launched in North America and western Europe in the past decade, but few have been successful. Dichtbij, a network of community sites in the Netherlands, is finding success where others have…

//June 8 / 2012 //read more