Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition


Guide #5: Introduction to podcasting

The purpose of this guide is to be an introduction to podcast production and monetisation, helping you through the basics of creating and launching a podcast – from recording and editing to distribution and promotion. Additionally, it will…

//December 7 / 2018 //read more

Guide #3: Best Practices for Data Journalism

To be clear, data journalism does not replace traditional journalism, but rather complements and enhances what journalists have been doing for centuries. How to use this guide if you are a newsroom manager, editor or journalist? Is it fine…

//March 16 / 2018 //read more

Case studies on paywall implementation: Gazeta Wyborcza and Malaysiakini

The case studies aim to provide a practical guidance and strategic direction to help media organizations navigate the paywall implementation. We have selected Gazeta Wyborcza and Malaysiakini to showcase …

//March 8 / 2018 //read more

The questions you have to answer before deciding on paywall

To charge or not to charge for access to online content on your website? A guide to the arguments for and against to help news organisations find the answer that best suits their business.

//October 5 / 2013 //read more

Ukraine elections: How to monitor and cover a major news event using social media

The recent elections in Ukraine gave an excellent example of how news organisations can and should monitor social media and crowdsourced reporting projects to cover major news events.

//October 29 / 2012 //read more