Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition

Disruptive innovation

Sustainable change starts at the top

Before media companies can shift their business strategies toward digital, they must first change the structure and culture underpinning their organisations, writes Dr Tilmann Knoll, head of management development at Germany’s Axel…

//May 27 / 2014 //read more

Media Forum 2012: Kodak, a cautionary tale for news organisations

At the recent Media Development Loan Fund’s Media Forum, Bambang Harymurti, the CEO of Tempo International Media in Indonesia, warned his fellow media leaders not to make the same mistake that photography pioneer Kodak did. Kodak saw the…

//December 7 / 2012 //read more

Clayton Christensen’s roadmap for navigating digital media disruption

Journalism isn’t the first industry to face disruption, and Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School has made a career out of studying how companies and industries respond to chaotic change. Now, he has turned his attention to the…

//October 22 / 2012 //read more

Schibsted finds ad success through data-driven targeting

Digital advertising revenue has risen globally by 55 percent in the last five years, but much of that increase has gone to search engines and social networks. To compete for this rising pool of revenue, news organisations need to provide…

//September 28 / 2012 //read more

News groups must deliver advertising innovation to survive

Digital technology is disrupting not only news organisations but also other businesses that have traditionally advertised with news groups. To respond, news groups need to deliver better performing advertising or face competition from…

//August 31 / 2012 //read more