Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition


Beyond the S Curve

Venture capitalist Mary Meeker has been presenting her deck on internet trends for a few years now. Twenty-three, to be precise. They’re good, albeit lengthy, always thought-provoking. And each year I see if I can use her data to tell…

//July 4 / 2018 //read more

Why Quartz’s news app might be the next big thing

Quartz’s new iPhone app that transforms the news consuming experience into an interactive chat has been given a big thumbs up by media commentators. Quartz, which is owned by Atlantic Media, prides itself on its originality in delivering…

//April 8 / 2016 //read more

Are Facebook’s Instant Articles and Apple’s News app another nail in the coffin for news publishers?

When Facebook announced the launch of Instant Articles, a feature that will distribute content from select news publishers directly on the social media giant’s platform, it provoked another existential crisis for news media. Media…

//July 15 / 2015 //read more

Required reading: Newspapers turn to video for new revenue opportunities

In the latest installment of our Required Reading feature, we focus on television and digital video as well as some of the latest trends and tools in mobile and social media. Online advertising may overtake television advertising in the US…

//September 7 / 2012 //read more

Firefox launches mobile OS; opens opportunities for publishers

Open-source web browser maker Firefox has launched a mobile operating system to compete with Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android. Handsets using the web-based OS will launch smartphones at a fraction of the price of those currently on the…

//July 3 / 2012 //read more

Hyperlocal, smart targeted mobile ads may earn even higher revenues

While the internet is increasingly being accessed through mobile devices, we are starting to see proof from Facebook that mobile ads can be even more lucrative than desktop ads – when done correctly. Apple also joins the game by…

//June 27 / 2012 //read more