Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition

Basics of web analytics by BBC Academy

Who is reading, watching or listening to your online content? And where are they from? Web analytics measures performance and can inform site strategies. How metrics help your journalism? How BBC News uses web analytics? BBC prepared the…

//October 15 / 2014 //read more

Tomas Bella: Publishers must experiment and see readers as customers

Newspapers, which have been accompanying western civilization for the past 200 years, have never been in such deep crisis. There is only one possibility: for serious news not to vanish, readers …

//October 14 / 2014 //read more

News Media: Diversify or die

Frédéric Filloux of Monday Note says the era of news media based on a single product is over. Diversification is the only way: it’s no longer a question of whether to develop other revenue streams, it’s a question of deciding which ones…

//October 13 / 2014 //read more

Attention-based measurement instead of clicks and CPM?

Chartbeat, a web software company that serves publishers with real-time analytics, has gained accreditation from the Media Rating Council for a new way of measuring the actual attention of readers, as part of a move to get publishers and…

//September 30 / 2014 //read more

The Guardian launches membership scheme to finance its ‘open’ digital development

The Guardian, the world’s third largest news site, has launched a membership scheme putting community and events at the heart of its plans to finance its paywall-free digital development.

//September 22 / 2014 //read more

Knight News Challenge identifies key factors in digital startup success

What separates a successful innovative media project from the rest?

//September 1 / 2014 //read more

Local media should connect people with information, not just report news

The old formula of a news outlet simply providing objective news is out-of-date.

//July 22 / 2014 //read more

Project Unbolt: A manual for freeing digital newsrooms

The goal of Digital First Media’s Project Unbolt was to develop a step-by-step plan to accelerate the digital transition of newsrooms.

//July 18 / 2014 //read more

The secret of virality: how to make your content go viral?

The arrival of social networks has allowed for quick dissemination of content – in a few hours, articles can fly over the whole of the internet, and YouTube videos can have millions of views. Social networks have become an important…

//July 7 / 2014 //read more

Things I never learned at newspapers about making news on the internet

What are the lessons you can learn from short-lived Project Thunderdome experiment?

//June 11 / 2014 //read more