Knowledge Bridge

Global Intelligence for the Digital Transition

PwC report: TV growth to continue for next five years despite shift to digital

In its annual global media outlook, consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers forecasts that connected consumers will continue their shift to digital and mobile media. Major emerging markets will drive growth, but even as digital powers ahead…

//June 12 / 2013 //read more

Revenue Opportunities: Online Classifieds & Directories in Russia and Ukraine

The seminar provided a broad overview of the online classifieds market in Russia and Ukraine and focused on the tools and techniques for building online classified businesses. Its goal was to create a base of understanding of the trends in…

//April 3 / 2013 //read more

Newspaper groups find success in moving their classified business online

Classifieds, once viewed as the “river of gold” for newspapers, have migrated online, and Asia-Pacific newspaper consultant Peter Ong shows how newspapers lost time and much needed revenue by failing to move their classified business…

//February 28 / 2013 //read more

Online classifieds: Choosing a successful strategy

The global classified advertising market is forecast to reach $14 bn, according to ZenithOptimedia. MDIF’s Senior Digital Advisor Ross Settles gives practical advice on how you can assess the opportunity in your market, identify the…

//February 28 / 2013 //read more

Presentation: Digital advertising and sales for Russia and Ukraine

In a series of presentations, we look at the digital advertising market in Russia and the Ukraine and look at the best way to organise a sales team, as well as use ad networks, classifieds and social media to grow revenue.

//October 11 / 2012 //read more

Growing Online Revenue – Advertising, Sales and Classifieds

The seminar, held in Moscow for Russian and Ukrainian media advertising sales and marketing executives, focused on the issues and opportunities facing traditional media as they begin to develop, market and sell advertising-supported online…

//September 29 / 2012 //read more

News groups must deliver advertising innovation to survive

Digital technology is disrupting not only news organisations but also other businesses that have traditionally advertised with news groups. To respond, news groups need to deliver better performing advertising or face competition from…

//August 31 / 2012 //read more